Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Break your legs!

11th April 2016

There have been a lot of designs of shoes targeted at the skateboarding community and specially designed along with a lot of professional skateboarders and their preferences.

All these technologies made their way down to the skate shoes for the community but at the same time, the community still has a lot of problems related to the durability of their shoes and the kind of protection it provides for their feet and ankles.

Let's see the major problems that an experienced skateboarder faces,
1. Ripped upper
2. Sole durability
3. Impact protection for their feet
4. Flexibility of high-tops
5. Ripped laces
6. Grip

While there are also problems that learners face
1. Durability of shoes
2. Very little to no support for ankles
3. Low quality materials because of low pricing
4. Grip

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